Mentions légales
This legal warning includes the general conditions of access and use of the site web, hereinafter the “the site web”, which is held and owned by “Habitatges Premium ST Andorra, S.L.”, a company incorporated in accordance with Act 13/2007 of 20 September, recorded in the “Registre de Societats” with NRT L-710371-E, located at Carrer Santa Anna, 14 AD700 Escaldes-Engordany – Tel +376 872 222, AD200, hereinafter “the Owner”. The use of the site web implies express and full acceptance of these general conditions and each and every one of the provisions of this legal warning in the version published at the time when the user enters this Warning. Users must therefore read this legal warning each time they enter the site web, as changes may be made to the general conditions and also to the special conditions that might be applied to certain specific services of the site web. Access to the site web is free and no subscription is necessary to be able to view it. The site web provides general information about the purchase and sell property in Andorra, real estate business in Andorra and the different parishes in order to promote the Principality of Andorra internationally.
The information contained in the site web stands as of the date of the most recent update and the owner does not guarantee the absence of errors in access to the site web or in the content, but will take all pertinent measures to avoid them, correct them and/or update them as soon as they should occur. The Owner reserves the right to modify and update the information on the site web, the site web’s presentation and configuration and the conditions of access without any need for prior warning and at any time. Likewise, the Owner reserves the right to modify and/or totally or partially omit the contents of the site web and to restrict access thereto. If any maintenance, repair, update or service improvement operations have to be done, the Owner reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the site web without any need for prior warning, and also to give or cancel the services without prejudice to trying to inform the users, provided that circumstances should so allow. The use of this site web and the information provided is the user's responsibility. The Owner accepts no responsibility for any damage caused or which might be caused of any kind by the use of the information, the content of the site web and the programmes it incorporates. The Owner accepts no responsibility for the use that the web user might make of the services, contents, links and hyperlinks contained in the site web. No third party may establish a framing relationship between their web pages and the site web. Similarly, the Owner accepts no responsibility for the third party content that can be accessed using the links in the site web.
Intellectual property on the contents
Intellectual property on the contents
All of the elements appearing in the site web and the structure, design and source code are the property of “Habitatges Premium ST Andorra, S.L.” or any third parties that might have granted their corresponding rights of use, which the user of this site shall respect, and which are therefore protected by intellectual property regulations. No reproduction, modification, distribution or public communication may be made of the site web without the previous, written consent of the Owner. User access to the contents and services of the site web implies no right of transmission, concession, use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication thereof without previous and express authorisation given specifically to this effect by the Owner or the third party holding the rights, if this is the case. Users of the site web may only make private and personal use of the contents, that is, they will only be entitled to view and make copies of the contents for their personal and exclusive use and shall make such use on the basis of the principles of good faith and applicable regulations. Any use of the site web or any of its elements for commercial or illicit purposes will be absolutely prohibited. Any unauthorised use of the information in this site web, and any damage caused to the intellectual property rights may cause the exercise of all pertinent legal actions and, as the case may be, the responsibilities of said exercise.
All access to and use of the site web implies the user's consent and acceptance of the conditions described above.
Legislation and applicable jurisdiction
These conditions of access are subject to Andorran legal ordinance and to its Tribunals.

Carrer Santa Anna 14
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
Principat d'Andorra
Telf: (+376) 872 222